Clucking Cuisine: A Guide to What Your Chickens Can (and Can't) Eat!

Keeping your feathered friends happy and healthy starts with a nutritious diet. But with so many options out there, what can chickens eat, and what should be avoided? Here's a clucking good guide:

Chicken Chow:

Grains: Cracked corn, wheat, and barley are excellent sources of carbohydrates and energy. Opt for a commercially prepared chicken feed mix for a balanced diet.
Fruits and Veggies: Treat your chickens to chopped apples, bananas, carrots, kales, and leafy greens. These provide essential vitamins and minerals.
Kitchen Scraps: Eggshells (crushed), leftover vegetables (not onions or avocado), and plain yogurt are occasional treats.
Off-Limits Treats:

Avocados: These contain persin, toxic to chickens.
Onions: Onions can cause anemia in chickens.
Citrus Fruits: Citric acid can upset their stomachs.
Salty and Sugary Foods: Avoid processed foods, chips, and sweets.
Chocolate: Toxic to all animals, including chickens.

Clean Water: Provide fresh, clean water what can and can’t chickens eat at all times.
Moderation is Key: Treats should be occasional, not a dietary staple.
Variety is Spice of Life: Offer a mix of grains, fruits, and veggies for a balanced diet.
Following these guidelines will ensure your chickens get the nutrients they need to stay healthy, happy, and productive!

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